What’s new with me

This is mostly due to the fact that to get better after that point would require a lot of time and practice, which means I can’t do the other things I am good at, but not excellent in either. I’ve mostly decided that this is a gift, and that if I am okay with allowing people who have mastered an area to take it over when they have the opportunity, then I can keep tinkering in lots of different areas as I see fit. This blog may never become a masterpiece of web-design and scripting, but it will be something that I can tinker with. I am pretty much okay with that I think. It will keep me freed up to got places and try things, and as long as I actually do that I don’t think I’m wasting my talent or creativity.
PS I finished the shelving that the trim from one of my previous posts was for.
Thanks for reading, I hope you are well and enjoying the summer.