Saturday, March 7, 2015

October Update

Back in the US safe and sound.  Looking forward to time with family and a little R&R
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I just love this photo.  It encapsulates so well where I spent the last 3 months.

In the US once again

My apologies for the communication delay, but I'm home safely!

I returned to the US last week safely and promptly got very sick with a bad cold and then had my computer crash (which is why there are no new photos in this update!)  Communication has been difficult, but I've been delayed sending out an update until now.  I'm alive and I love you!

My trip to Uganda was incredible and I feel very blessed to have gotten to go.  I learned so much alongside the students and will be praying for them as they serve several refugee communities on the South Sudanese border in the north of Uganda.  When I am able to recover some photos from my crashed laptop, I will send out a few in another followup email for those who are interested.

Now on to another note.  When I was on my way to Uganda, I was able to visit some friends at a base in southern France called YWAM Bridges of Life.  It was a very neat base, but while I was there I felt like maybe God was putting it on my heart to spend more time with them.  I'm not totally sure what that means yet, but I'll be traveling back there in November to scout it out and pray into it more, since I've never before felt particularly called to France.  After that I'll be having Thanksgiving with family and then heading back down to San Antonio to spend time with everyone there who made this trip possible.  Thank you again!

God Bless

PS If you'd like more details or to hear stories, feel free to write back with any questions, thanks.
Thanks for thinking of me!  I was so encouraged to have your prayers while I was away.  Please continue to pray for me as I believe (and hope!) strongly my time of wandering will be drawing to an end soon.
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