Saturday, May 18, 2013

May News

I'm here, doing well, and having fun!  Read all about it.
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Worldview, worldview, worldview

In case you wanted a short description of what I've been learning.

Just a short update this month.  I am alive, well, and learning a lot here in my FCD school.  So far, we have looked at the importance of worldview in development from about every different angle imaginable.  While at first one would think that what we should be learning is about water and technology and sanitation, it makes sense that to actually help shift nations toward their God-given purpose in His Kingdom, we must make sure that we see the world and its people as God sees it.  Described basically, worldview is simply how we see and understand everything that happens in the world around us.

Vishal Mangalwadi is a man from India who has had quite a journey with the Lord.  This week, he has been teaching about how close to God's heart nations are.  He is talking a lot about understanding Christianity's role in the development of the west, and encouraging us to connect the dots.  If you're interested in hearing more, you can read his book "The Book That Made Your World"  It is very interesting hearing his views on American Christianity as someone who came out of an Indian background.  

Just as a quick note, I want to buy the book so I can take notes and highlight in it.  If anyone feels inclined, you could send $15 to via paypal so I can purchase it and pay shipping.  Thanks!
So far I think it is fair to say that what makes doing this school worth the time, resources, and hard work worth it comes down to just one thing.  As Christians, we must embrace the hope that God's kingdom is at work in our world, and that Jesus is not just interested in the well-being of souls, but that we as his body seek to disciple the whole world to live according to his Truth, and that that Truth will set them free, and preserve the well-being of future generations.  All of the beauty surrounding me here reminds me that God is eager with anticipation to unleash his blessing on His world in the 21st century.  Amen?

As always, thanks so much to everyone for the prayers, gifts, and encouragement that help keep me going.  I often think on how blessed I am to have wonderful people backing me in all I do.

God Bless! 
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